Questions and answers - Galion Age of Empires ECG Club

Questions and answers - Galion Age of Empires ECG Club

Added 9/7/01 - Rules
Q) What is the most forgotten thing that can be done in AOE?

A) One of the often forgotten things is the ability to do assisted attack.

Added 9/7/01 - Rules
Q) Can you fast respond two space if that unit is movement two?

A) No, fast respond is ALLWAYS one space.

Added 8/29/01 - Rules
Q) When the card "Spies" is played, which player discards the card?

A)On the Spies, the card has two effects: The person playing Spies gets to look at the opponent's
hand, and the opponent must discard one card at random. Both effects must happen, so I would
think that the easiest way to do it is to have the Spies player choose a card from a facedown hand
of the target opponent first, then discard that card, and then look at the rest of the opponent's

Added 8/29/01 - Rules
Q) When the card "Town Bell" is played, what happens to the 
unit who is attacking the villagers? Can he redirect the damage
or declare another attack? Or is the attack lost?

A) The attack is redirected to the building that the
unit, and villagers were on.

Added 8/29/01 - Rules
Q) Do ALL Villagers have to be allocated somewhere
during the allocation phase, or can they be left 
in the villagers pool?

A) They must be allocated.

Added 8/29/01 - Rules
Q) When technologies are being researched, are they
face up or face down?

A) Either way will work... but if you opponent wants to
see what the tech is when it is face down, you must
show him. Usually it helps to have it face up.

Added 8/29/01 - Rules
Q) If I attack an opponent's Building and a neighboring unit 
is close enought Fast Respond, what can the unit do when it
is placed on the Building with my unit? The rulebook says "the 
unit joins the defense." What does that mean? Am I forced 
to attack the unit instead of the building now? Does the fast 
responding unit get to attack me now? I don't understand 
what a Fast Responding unit can do once it arrives.

A)It means you are forced to attack the unit.

Added 8/29/01 - Rules

Q) Since attacking units MUST engage enemy units that fast respond, how
does a Battering Ram work out since it can ONLY attack buildings? I think
the fast responding unit would attack the ram, and the ram would
simultaneously hit the building (only one time, of course).

A) The Ram gets attacked, but can't attack the building.

Added 8/12/01 - Rules
Q) How many attachments can be on a card?

A)You cannot have more than one copy of an attachment on a card, but you can have more than one
attachment on a card. 

Added 8/8/01 - Cards
Q) Is the base set limited?

A) Yes.

Added 7/17/01 - Cards
Q) Are there any trebuchets in the nautical set?

A) No, only in the base set.

Added 7/13/01 - Cards
Q) Is there any list of things to correct in nautical?

A) 1) Monks have 6 HP, not 3 HP. 2) The Starting cards do not count towards you deck 
totals. 3) Multiple ships may target the same building, if they are within the 
bombardment range and are free to do so. 4) Defending ships can alter the target of 
an attacking ship's bombardment. They can become the new target, where siege unit
bombardment cannot be changed by the defender. 5) Face down buildings count as null 
spaces, which are counted for distance and bombardment requirements.

Added 7/13/01 - Cards
Q)I noticed that the symbol for the event card "I Can't Tell Where It's Coming From" 
in the nautical expansion says that it is a rare card, but it is included in all the 
new starter packs (Japanese, Saracen, Viking, and Frank). Is this an error on the 

A)It is a rare, but it is more common than the others. In the booster population, 
it is just as rare as any other.

Added 7/13/01 - Cards
Q)What is wrong with the persian/Japanese fishing ships in Nautical?

A)Both cards are ERRATA, but not in the manner stated here. 

Japanese: The fishing ship gets 1-2: 0 food, 3-4: 1 food, 5-6: 2 food-Age I, 3 
food-Age II, 4 food-Age III, 5 food-Age IV.  It also has increased hit points.

Persian: The fishing ship gets 1-2: 1 food, 3-4: 2 food, 5-6: 3 food-Age I & II, 
4 food-Age III, 5 food-Age IV.

Added 7/07/01 - Rules
Q)When Medieval Trappings is played, when does it take effect?

A)Right after the movement phase in the turn of the unit (military) owner.

Added 5/17/01 - Rules
Q)Can I use a villager bought in the enlistment phase to play an event (that 
requires villagers) in the same phase? 

A)Villagers come into play in the villager pool, thus they are not elligable for use 
until the player's next turn.

Added 5/17/01 - Rules
Q)Are 'cavalry archers' cavalry or archers?

A)They are archers before they are cavalry. They are upgraded by Padded Archer Armor, 
not Scale Barding Armor. They are affected by both skirmishers and spearman. They do 
not get to use Husbandry, but they are affected by threw a shoe. To summarize, they get
the movement : 2 of cavalry, as well as increased HP, but they take all negative traits 
for cavalry. They are NOT immune to ranged attack.  

Added 5/17/01 - Cards
Q)How are the Nautical civ's going to be good at playing?

A)To be answered later.  (Look at 4/03/01 for the Base set answers)

Added 4/13/01 - Rules
Q) What can negate range round?  Is it just cavalry?

A) Just the cavalry.  Cavalry archers don't negate the range round because the use the range round and 
they are an archer/missle unit.  Some people think that the Celt infantry can negate (cancel) range round,
but that is not true.

Added 4/03/01 - Cards
Q) Which civ is best?

A) That depends on what you think would be the most fun playstyle.

Persians - Extremely strong mid to late game armies, the persians strength grows as the game progresses

Britions - Specialists in Archery, and the best to try for a wonder victory, IMHO.  Hit and run with 
archers, don't ever go into combat, just use hit and run tactics.

Mongols - Cavalry Archers are what the Mongols are about, and manipulating the game with subtle tactics.  
Hit and run with archers, don't ever go into combat, just use hit and run tactics.

Goths - Goths are quick, constant beatdown. They don't win by power, but rather by early development.

Celts - The Celts have a decent early game, and a strong endgame, but the mid game is where they suffer.

Added 4/01/01 - Rules
Q) How does movement two work when going from fringe to fringe?

A) They can go from a fringe building to one in from a fringe building in another village. They can also 
go from one in from a fringe building in your village to a fringe building in another village. Here is a 
diagram to illustrate.
FFFFF      EEEEE  F= Your fringe     E= Enemy fringe
FBBBF      ECCCE  B= Your non-fringe C= Enemy non-fringe
FBXBF      ECXCE  X= Buildings that are 2 in from fringe

If a Celt Infantry, or any unit with movement: 2, is on any "F", they may move to any "E" 
or "C". If the Unit is on "B", they may move to "E". Hope this helps.

Added 3/31/01 - Cards
Q) What are going to be in the expansion packs.

A) Nautical is the first expansion, and it will be shipping to distributors the week of 4/16/01. It has the
Franks, Japanese, Saracens and Vikings. There are over 150 cards with new art pieces of art! There are
water rules included in the rule book, as well as a resource card that will give players an alternate way to
track resources. 

A Regicide pack is planned for release in July/August, 2001. It will have a king and all other essential cards
for Regicide (Kill the King) play.

Smoke and Saints, the second expansion, will have the Byzantines, Chinese, Teutons and Turks. Gamer
Jeff has doubed it the "G.U.M." expansion due to the Gunpowder units, University and Monk technologies.
It will be out late September, 2001. 

Conquerors, the third expansion, will include the Aztecs, Huns, Koreans, Mayans and Spanish. The new
technologies and tactics will also be included in this set. It is scheduled for Feb-March 2002.

The Heros and events expansion will be released around Origins, 2002. It will be booster only and have
many of the heros from the computer game, as well as new events types and function. It should be a
large amount of fun.

Added 3/31/01 - Cards
Q) Where does one get the promo cards from?
I have the Celtic Battle Cry, but would like to get the others.

A)Currently the other promotional cards have been released as follows

Celtic Battle cry (non rarity marked) -Conquerers expansion for the video game
Flood / rally the workers - each collectors addition AoE box set contained one
or the other of these cards and they have not been released otherwise.
Shots in the back - this card will be appearing in games unplugged in their next
issue i believe.  (it's either the next or the one following that one)
mystigogy, bone shaft arrows, spirits of the ancestors - have not been released
Celtic battle cry (with rarity symbol)- will be a promo for those players
participating in the Gen con / origins tournaments. (tournament players only at
this time)

Added 3/27/01 - Rules
Q) When a card say's "target player", who is the target player?

A) Whoever the card owner chooses.

Added 3/27/01 - Rules
Q) Damage to buildings, the rule book goes on about divide by 10 and round down!  
It will take forever to destory a building???  Is this correct?

A) 1 token is 10 damage so i wouldnt think it would take that long with some siege 
rams or something.  Divide by 10 to find out how many tokens to put on the building.  

Added 3/24/01 - Rules
Q) Archer cards have range attack, how does this work? Are they doing 
that attack when they are 1 space away, or what?  
Also, When using "thew a shoe", I already moved a horse, and when I 
was about to go on to attack D. A friend used "thew a shoe" and took my card 
back to where it was. Does this card have to be used before the horse 
is moved, or can the horse be taken back?-

A) Ranged attack is completed as an additional round of combat in 
which the unit with the ranged attack gets an additional round of combat on 
those units without range value. only differnece is they use the range attack 
value as a mulitpler instead of the normal melee attack.

As for 'threw a shoe" since it is play anytime, it is an interrupt, and
may be used to make a cavalry unit take it's movement back.
you cannot however play threw a shoe to retract movement once
other actions have been performed. Basically it must be done
at the second in which the cavalry is moved.

Webowners email: Ben
